"You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.”
- J.R.R Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring
My travel experiences have been one happy accident after another. During my practicum placements from 2008 to 2009, with various schools in Syracuse and Hannibal New York, I opted to finish it all out by heading to the UK for the first half of my student teaching experience. It was quite an exciting opportunity for me at the beginning of 2010, but I never fulfilled that part of the plan. Visa requirements and teaching hours conflicted with one another, creating 18-hour workdays, and making the program impossible to complete. Instead, I found myself flying off to Auckland, New Zealand, and it was there that fell in love with a country, a people, and a world-sized philosophy on education.
I did eventually make it to the UK in 2013 on a fact-finding trip while working with SCYE Global... having been swept off to many new places since... and long after. These are some of my photos: |
Fiji New Zealand South Korea Hong Kong Macau Japan Mongolia Malaysia Thailand |
Canada England Wales Taiwan Philippines Myanmar China Vietnam Indonesia Brunei |